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We envision a world where businesses are protected from outsized risk by being able to perform comprehensive due diligence and risk analysis for practically every relevant business transaction.

Our mission is to deliver an AI-based solution set for digital due diligence, enabling a dramatic improvement of due diligence insight with dramatically lower cost. We want to reinvent corporate due diligence. Delivering 100% visibility. Just in time.

Engaging with new business partners, suppliers and agents create additional risks for your company. As they all bring their own set of business relationships it is key to understand the business network of a third-party and identify any associated risks or potential red flags. Yet, analysing an entire business network and uncovering relationships between companies, persons and addresses is a big task, especially in today’s globalised world. We make it possible to identify, investigate and monitor entire business networks around the world.

Coretics combines several steps of corporate and media research into just one search – making it the fastest way to get an overview of an entire business network and related risks. Coretics enables you to customize your research and monitoring based on your preferences to make your investment, employee and supplier screening even faster and easier.

Supplier Screening

Investment Screening

Market Screening


135 million


200+ million


350+ million



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