Request Update

Russia Risk Indicators

Name Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Date
Currency 90.26 90.06 150.0 4.66 None May/24
Stock Market 3423.0 3444.0 4293.0 18.53 points May/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.4 4.9 12.1 -11.2 percent Mar/24
Unemployment Rate 2.7 2.8 14.6 2.7 percent Mar/24
Inflation Rate 7.8 7.7 2333.0 2.18 percent Apr/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.5 0.4 245.0 -0.54 percent Apr/24
Interest Rate 16.0 16.0 20.0 4.25 percent Apr/24
Balance of Trade 18810.0 8218.0 37463.0 -203.0 USD Million Mar/24
Current Account 22000.0 11500.0 77095.0 -3774.0 USD Million Mar/24
Current Account to GDP 2.5 10.5 18.0 -1.4 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 17.2 17.6 92.1 6.5 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -1.9 -2.3 9.88 -7.9 percent of GDP Dec/23
Business Confidence 6.8 6.0 6.8 -8.3 points Apr/24
Manufacturing PMI 54.3 55.7 55.7 31.3 points Apr/24
Services PMI 50.5 51.4 58.5 12.2 points Apr/24
Consumer Confidence -7.0 -13.0 1.0 -59.0 points Mar/24
Retail Sales MoM 1.6 -20.8 23.2 -33.3 percent Feb/24
Corporate Tax Rate 20.0 20.0 43.0 20.0 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 percent Dec/22
GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.4 4.9 12.1 -11.2 percent Mar/24

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